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Juggle Dream

Sockpoi tube - Juggle Dream

Sockpoi tube - Juggle Dream

Regular price 300,00 Kč
Regular price Sale price 300,00 Kč
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Cheaper versions sock poi in UV inks. Juggle dream produced a cheaper version of Eric's favorite sock poi. These poi are very long, so you can wrap the ends around your hand and adjust so the correct length. These poi are useful for learning the most tricks. Thanks to the sock poi move slowly have time to think about exactly movements. Well with them teaches Hyperloop, air wraps, reeling, tracks etc. The tubes are positioned bag with plastic bullets. They are made of UV active colors green and orange UV.


- Length: 100 cm

- Weight: 100 g (not adjustable)

- Total weight pair: 210 g

Price per pair.

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